Underage DUI Defense Strategies: Protecting the Future
Underage Driving Under the Influence (DUI) cases can be shocking for both young drivers and families. The DUI charges can lead to various consequences for the underage person’s future. However, you can always seek legal assistance to mitigate the consequences.
Experienced DUI attorneys are familiar with the nuances of these cases and can explore various ways for the best outcome. At the Law Office of Matthew V. Portella, LLC our experienced DUI attorney will help you protect your teen’s future with effective defense strategies. Call us at 856-245-5912 and leverage our 30 years of legal experience.
Impacts of Underage DUI Convictions on a Young Person’s Future
Underage DUI convictions can have many negative impacts on the minor. Some of the potential consequences of such convictions include:
- License suspensions: DUI convictions often result in driving license suspensions. This can cause disruptions in young drivers’ daily lives in terms of having trouble getting to school, work, and engaging in social activities.
- Education & Job Prospects: DUI conviction records can also negatively impact the underage person’s job and college applications.
- Insurance Rates: A DUI conviction may increase insurance rates too as it’s seen as an indicator of higher risk by insurance companies.
The sooner you involve a law firm in the case, the better. Early intervention is key to help avoid the above-listed consequences.
Specialized Defense Strategies for Underage DUI Cases in New Jersey
The legal process in underage DUI cases can be complex. Here are the common strategies experienced DWI lawyers generally utilize in similar situations:
- Challenging DUI Stop: A police officer must have a valid reason to pull over your teenager for a potential DWI investigation. If there are questions about the legitimacy of a DUI stop, it may indicate a violation of rights. This can affect the court ruling in the case.
- Investigating Adherence with Blood Test Procedures: Proper procedures must be followed for blood tests, especially for minors. This includes parents’ consent, a potential obligation of witness presence, and involvement of medical professionals. Failure to follow these procedures can lead to successful challenges of the test results.
- Challenging Standardized Field Sobriety Tests (SFSTs) and Breathalyzer/Alcotest Results: FSTs may be affected by nervousness and fatigue, while breathalyzer tests can be influenced by food or drink consumption. Additionally, if not maintained regularly, the accuracy of a breathalyzer test can be questioned.
Building a Strong Defense for Your Teen’s DUI
To achieve the best results, it is crucial to tailor the defense approach to the unique circumstances of your teenager. Hiring an experienced DWI attorney can help you do that. A lawyer can go beyond official reports and gather additional evidence to build a strong case. This may include testimonies from witnesses, police officer’s vehicle’s dashcam footage, or medical reports that can help to present the whole picture.
Additionally, a DUI attorney can assist you in exploring alternative sentencing options. For example, they may seek a sentence that involves alcohol education programs or community service. It’s always better to let the professional negotiate all of this with the prosecution.
How Much Does a Lawyer Cost for a DUI in NJ?
As we have discussed, the financial repercussions of an underage DUI conviction can be significant, as it might impact insurance rates, education, as well as future employment. While the exact cost of a DUI attorney varies depending on the complexity of the case, a skilled DUI lawyer is an investment worth considering. However, if you are unsure about it, you can always seek free consultation to better assess your situation.
Contact Us Today for a Free Consultation
An underage DUI arrest can be stressful. Don’t navigate this alone. The Law Office of Matthew V. Portella, LLC can help your teen throughout the legal process. We offer free consultations to discuss your teen’s case and explore the best course of action. Take advantage of this opportunity and contact us today to schedule your consultationto discuss how our DUI attorney, Matthew V. Portella, can fight for your teen’s future.